Will Gatti & Daniel Finn


News from Nice

News from Nice

and this is not a jolly post…

Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 19.12.17WHO WOKE THE MINOTAUR?

There’s nothing wrong with being angry. We all get angry, sometimes for a good reason, sometimes for no reason at all, but the anger usually, hopefully fades, like a sea storm and there’s calm.


But rage is something different. We seem to live in a time of rage. And rage makes me think of that monster, imprisoned deep inside a labyrinth, with an unquenchable appetite for killing. The Minotaur.

I remember my cousin, Patrick Daly, writing a poem about him more than ten years ago. It was terrifying and timely.

But it feels like the monster’s woken again… He stalks Syria and Iraq. His footprints are in Turkey along the North coast of Africa and in Europe.

So who woke the minotaur this time? Who guided him blind from the labyrinth and let him stumble righteously angry into the light?

Who led him up the church steps?

Who whispered to him ‘the old lie’, that his rage was godly?